
Photovoltaic modules

Performing tests at the plant avoids the cost, time, and risk associated with sending modules to a fixed laboratory. A productivity rate of 200 modules tested per day is achieved.

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Description of the service

The solar mobile laboratory is equipped with all the necessary measurement and testing methods for a rigorous on-site analysis of photovoltaic modules. With this advanced equipment, it is possible to quickly and reliably identify insufficient module production, as well as hidden defects such as micro-cracks, inactive areas, hot spots, and other quality issues on-site.

ENAC-ILAC Accreditation ISO 17025 Testing LOGO

(Service accredited by ENAC/ILAC at international level. You can consult in the following link our scope of accreditation).

Do you want to ensure the maximum return on investment in your photovoltaic parks? We help prevent financial losses due to actual performance falling below planned levels or potential penalties for contract breaches.

Need to assess or appraise a photovoltaic installation? We assist in determining the value of the financial asset and reducing uncertainty about its behavior and future evolution.

What tests can we perform?

  • Maximum Power Test (Flash test): Measurement of the module's maximum power by reproducing the standard test conditions STC (1000W/m2 and 25°C).
  • Electroluminescence Diagnostic Test: Quality analysis of modules using electroluminescence images to detect non-visible module defects (cracks, potential-induced degradation, defective fingers/busbars, etc.).
  • Insulation Test: Verification of ground continuity and detection of internal module electrical insulation defects.
  • Bypass Diode Test.
  • Low Irradiance Performance Test (200 W/m2).
  • Visual Inspection.
  • Thermographic Inspection.

What advantages does it offer you?

  • Performing tests on-site or at CIRCE facilities.
  • Class A+A+A+ solar simulator according to IEC 60904-9 LED technology.
  • Compact, robust, and easily transportable.
  • Control of test conditions in a climate-controlled dark chamber to reduce measurement uncertainty.
  • Automatic and simultaneous testing of maximum power, electroluminescence, and insulation.
  • Productivity of up to 200 modules/day.
  • High-resolution images taken by electroluminescence.

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Value proposition

Allows tests to be conducted on-site, avoiding the cost, time, and risk of sending the modules to a fixed laboratory.

A productivity rate of 200 modules tested per day is achieved, allowing for higher sampling levels compared to other alternatives.

It allows for the assessment of the condition and generation capacity of the photovoltaic modules, and therefore their value, as the main component of the plant's financial asset.

It allows for monitoring the degradation of the modules and compliance with the financial plan.

In the event of extreme weather events, it allows for the identification of non-visible damage to the modules and their impact on production.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Prueba de Potencia máxima (Flash test)
  • Prueba de diagnóstico por electroluminiscencia
  • Prueba de aislamiento
  • Prueba de rendimiento a baja irradiación (200 W/m2)
  • Inspección visual Inspección termográfica

Si - en

El laboratorio lo podemos operar también en nuestras propias instalaciones por lo que, en caso de una cantidad reducida de módulos, se pueden enviar a CIRCE para ser ensayados.
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