
Network quality tests

We offer on-site testing and network quality analysis for industries, including mitigation proposals and remote measurement campaigns. Our services help prevent production stoppages, extend the lifespan of assets such as batteries and transformers, and mitigate unexpected trips in electrical installations. Additionally, we characterize harmonics for network operators and industrial self-consumption plants.

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Description of the service

The CIRCE laboratory offers on-site network quality testing using Class A analyzers according to IEC/UNE-EN 61000-4-30 and UNE-EN 50160 standards. We measure the following parameters:

  • Frequency
  • Flicker severity
  • Voltage amplitude
  • Temporary overvoltages
  • Voltage sags and interruptions
  • Harmonics and interharmonics of voltage and current up to the 50th order
ENAC-ILAC Accreditation ISO 17025 Testing LOGO

(Service accredited by ENAC/ILAC at international level. You can consult in the following link our scope of accreditation).

Additionally, we have the capability to remotely connect to the analyzer during the measurement campaign, allowing us to download records without being on-site, facilitating monitoring and control throughout the measurement campaign.

These tests enable us to provide the following services:

  • Analysis and mitigation proposals for network quality issues
  • Analysis of incidents in industries, such as:
    • Micro-outages in power supply
    • Harmonics issues
    • Ground faults
  • Conducting network quality measurement campaigns with remote result downloads
  • Synchronized multipoint measurements to detect the propagation of network quality phenomena and evaluate their impact on the network
  • Advice on the selection of transducers and network quality measurement equipment, and defining technical requirements based on the application


  • We have highly qualified personnel
  • We adapt to the needs of each client and offer personalized services
  • We have experience in numerous on-site tests, both in companies and electrical substations
  • The ability to remotely connect to the analyzer facilitates monitoring and control during the measurement campaign
  • Preparation of a final report addressing the needs of each client, including the obtained results
  • We have precision and accurate analyzers, ensuring reliable and precise results

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Value proposition

Network Quality Incident Analysis

It allows energy-intensive industries to avoid problems that could affect the quality and continuity of their power supply, which would ultimately impact their production and industrial activity, causing significant economic losses.

Optimize Your Production Processes

By eliminating stoppages caused by poor network quality (short-duration sags and RVCs).

Optimize Your Production Processes

By eliminating stoppages caused by poor network quality (short-duration sags and RVCs).

Mitigation of Unexpected Trips

For protection elements in electrical installations (ground faults, overloaded lines, etc.).

Analysis of Failures and Network Quality Incidents in Generation Parks

Analyzing and identifying the root causes of network quality problems that can lead to disconnections of parks and premature failures of elements is essential to maximize the ROI of generation installations, increasing their availability and extending the lifespan of their components.

Harmonics Characterization

Voltage harmonics characterization for transmission network operators prior to the installation of FACTS and HVDC links, and for industrial self-consumption plants before analyzing the connection of renewable energy sources.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Todo tipo de empresas, en especial aquellas con consumos eléctricos elevados o intensivos.

Depende de las necesidades de cada caso en particular, pero nos adaptamos y somos flexibles a las necesidades de cada cliente.

Hemos realizado estudios de armónicos en plantas industriales (BRILEN, ENGIE Castelnou, Minera Santa Marta…), análisis de eventos de tensión en Technopark, medidas de calidad de red para la estación de servicio Zoilo Ríos o Tranvía de Zaragoza, entre otros.

Además, el laboratorio LME de CIRCE participa activamente en diferentes proyectos europeos de I+D de la red EURAMET.

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