
Hydrogen oven

At CIRCE, we have a flexible oven with the capability to test various fuels and their mixtures in different proportions, including hydrogen, allowing us to replicate the conditions of your processes.

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Description of the service

Do you want to start using hydrogen as a fuel in your processes but are unsure if it will meet your needs? Do you want to be part of the industry's shift towards reducing atmospheric pollutants?

At CIRCE, we have a flexible oven with the capability to test various fuels and their mixtures in different proportions, including hydrogen, allowing us to replicate the conditions of your processes.

We will conduct a comprehensive combustion characterization, evaluating heat transfer and temperature distribution. This way, you can replace fossil fuels with renewable gases in your industrial ovens. Before burning the fuel, the operating conditions will be defined based on CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) models of the most suitable scenarios.

The oven features two quartz windows for monitoring the combustion flame using Artificial Vision techniques to have more exhaustive control over the combustion, and AI algorithms will be applied to predict emissions.

Additionally, you can introduce refractory materials and your final products into the chamber to study the effects that changing fuels may have on them (such as the refractory's life cycle).

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Value proposition

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Hasta 1300ºC.

Desde 20kWh hasta 100kWh, siendo 60kWh la potencia nominal.

800 x 700 x 2500 mm.

20 x 30 cm.

Hidrocarburos, biogás y otros gases sintéticos, hidrógeno y mezclas.

Sí, se podrán evaluar quemadores con distintas arquitecturas, validando así las simulaciones CFD del proceso.

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