Electrical calibrations
Calibration of electrical measuring equipment (accredited by ENAC) tailored to the specific needs of each client, offering personalized, flexible, and efficient calibration execution advice.
Description of the service
Our Electrical Metrology Laboratory (LME-CIRCE) offers calibration services for electrical measuring equipment with ENAC accreditation. In addition to extensive experience, evidenced by over 5,000 accredited calibrations, we have high-quality equipment and highly qualified personnel.

(Service accredited by ENAC/ILAC at international level. You can consult in the following link our scope of accreditation).
We provide personalized advice, tailoring our services to the needs of each client and ensuring flexibility and agility in performing the calibrations.
We are capable of conducting calibrations both in our laboratory and on-site at the client's facilities (in the Zaragoza area) if the equipment cannot be transported.
The electrical magnitudes that we calibrate include:
- DC and AC voltage
- DC and AC resistance
- DC and AC current intensity
- Basic power quality parameters*
- Active and reactive power* (*Temporarily not accredited by voluntary decision).
Share your challenge with us!
Value proposition
More than 5,000 accredited calibrations.
Active participation in EURAMET European R&D network projects.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Una correcta calibración te asegura con certeza el buen funcionamiento del equipo, te permite responder ante los requisitos establecidos por normas de calidad y te garantiza la fiabilidad y la trazabilidad de los resultados obtenidos.
Nuestro Laboratorio de Metrología Eléctrica (LME-CIRCE) ofrece servicios de calibración de equipos de medición eléctrica con acreditación ENAC
Las magnitudes eléctricas que se calibran son las siguientes:
– Tensión en continua y alterna
– Intensidad de corriente en continua y alterna
– Resistencia en continua y alterna
– Potencia activa y reactiva*
– Parámetros básicos de calidad de red*
(*Temporalmente fuera de acreditación por decisión voluntaria).
Algunos de los equipos que calibramos son:
– Vatímetro
– Voltímetro
– Multímetro
– Datalogger
– Pinza amperimétrica
– Fuente de tensión e intensidad
– Comprobador de rigidez dieléctrica
– Medidor de aislamiento
– Resistencia