
ECOPROWINE: Sustainable certification for the wine sector

ECO-PROWINE is a label that indicates the sustainability of a winery throughout the entire wine production process. Wineries endorsed by the ECO-PROWINE label have a production process that exceeds the average in terms of sustainability, while maintaining the excellent quality of their wine.

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Description of the service

The main objective of ECO-PROWINE is to offer an evaluation and benchmarking framework to guide the reduction of environmental impacts caused by the EU wine sector at the winery level, without altering the quality of the final product.

This scheme grants the “ECO-PROWINE” environmental sustainability label, which is obtained through the study, analysis, and evaluation of a proprietary methodology. This methodology, whose development and validation have been positively evaluated by the European Commission, is based on the Life Cycle approach and is specific to the wine production chain. It allows producers to analyze their manufacturing processes to identify environmental burdens, as well as the costs and key social aspects that determine the sustainability profile of the winery.

Following this analysis, improvement actions are proposed to reduce associated impacts and make the wine production process more efficient and environmentally friendly.

Once a winery demonstrates that it meets the European reference average and commits to improving its processes, it will receive the ECO-PROWINE label. This will promote the continuous improvement of the sector's environmental profile, along with cost optimization and social aspects.

To maintain the label, the winery’s wine production process must undergo periodic validation. This label allows producers who have significantly improved the environmental impact of their products to be recognized by consumers through a specific logo applied to bottle labels and promotional materials.

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Value proposition

Recognize sustainability

Recognizes and rewards wineries committed to the path of environmental sustainability. To achieve this, they must meet predefined sustainability actions.

Market differentiation

Provides a series of potential benefits for wineries, helping them differentiate themselves from competitors and attract the attention of conscious consumers.

Facilitates internationalization

Encourages and facilitates the internationalization of products to other European Union countries.

Builds consumer trust

Helps consumers recognize wine produced in a more sustainable manner. From environmental, social, and economic perspectives, it provides a distinction for wineries. Additionally, the QR code printed on the label allows consumers to obtain information about these actions and practices.

Continuous improvement process

The ECO-PROWINE methodology’s study, analysis, and evaluation process allows producers to have a clear view of their practices. This helps them understand the benefits of improvements and how they can be implemented.

Increases visibility

The various promotional campaigns for the label help wineries improve visibility. Additionally, on the label’s website, each winery can have its own microsite dedicated to promoting its products.