
BREEAM Certification

Looking to obtain BREEAM certification and need to meet the necessary requirements to earn points? We have a specialized team ready to help you meet the requirements for any category.

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Description of the service

Are you looking to obtain BREEAM certification and need to meet the necessary requirements to earn points?

One of the requirements within the BREEAM certification scheme, called MAT-1 in the Materials category, requires a study of the building’s life cycle impacts.

Depending on whether the building is residential, industrial, or another type, the number of points awarded for this study may vary. It is necessary to consider the nature of the materials used for construction, their origin, and whether they have Environmental Product Declarations, among other factors.

Additionally, within the Management category, but closely related to the previous requirement, is GST-5, which addresses life cycle cost and service life planning. This category also includes requirements related to the performance and inspection of the building envelope and analysis of low-carbon technologies within the Energy category. Here, all possible viable technologies are considered based on the building’s needs, focusing on low energy consumption and low environmental impact. Additionally, we ensure indoor air quality and thermal comfort, modeled through CFD simulation.

Finally, CIRCE provides impartial analysis and proposed solutions in the Transportation category by quantifying indicators for public transport accessibility, proximity to services, mobility solutions, parking, and diagnostics with a mobility plan.

How Have We Helped Earn Points?

  • Life cycle impact and cost studies for over 300 homes.
  • Life cycle impact and cost studies for senior living facilities.
  • Life cycle impact and cost studies for logistics warehouses.
  • Mobility studies for senior living facilities.
  • Low-carbon technology studies for logistics warehouses.
  • Theoretical advice on Life Cycle Analysis for residential buildings.
  • Ventilation studies in office buildings.

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Value proposition

LCA in all phases

Environmental and Cost Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) in all phases of the building.

Low-carbon technologies

Expertise in low-carbon technologies to meet the building’s energy needs while ensuring comfort.

CFD Simulation

CFD simulation providing insights into the building’s interior performance (ventilation, air quality, temperature, etc.).

Mobility plans

Expertise in GIS and Mobility Plans.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Different sustainability criteria and the scope of some of these criteria also differs. At the same time, the approach, depending on the type of building, is more in favor of one certificate or the other. The trend is for residential buildings to apply for BREEAM and LEED for office buildings.

The first thing to note is that the existing sustainability certificates for buildings are voluntary. The main difference lies in the criteria used to assess the sustainability of a building. While some of them coincide, for example between BREEAM and LEED, with the efficiency of water use, energy efficiency and sustainable materials. However, there are other certificates that evaluate life cycle criteria such as VERDE in Spain or health and wellness such as WELL. It depends on the state of the building, whether it is new construction or rehabilitation, the typology if it is residential or tertiary, and the objective of the promoter.

While meeting the sustainability requirements of the certificate may increase the construction cost, this is compensated during the use phase through the savings achieved by the low energy demand and the efficiency of the installed equipment.

CIRCE performs the necessary studies that contribute to the certificate in 10 weeks, depending on the availability of information, and the status of the project.
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