CIRCE Technology Center joins CEOE Aragón as an associate member

Improving business competitiveness: a common mission
'Improving the competitiveness of businesses is a mission that CIRCE and CEOE Aragón share and approach in complementary ways. Therefore, being part of the confederation means being alongside entrepreneurs and businesses, giving us a channel to better understand where they want to go, what their challenges are, and how we can provide solutions,' said Andrés Llombart after the signing.
Meanwhile, Miguel Marzo emphasized the importance of joining CEOE Aragón with entities that contribute to the productivity and competitiveness of Aragonese companies from different fields, in this case through technological and applied innovation, which is crucial for all sectors and company sizes.
With this signing, CIRCE Technology Center joins the recently associated entities with CEOE Aragón: the logistics cluster (ALIA), technology cluster (TECNARA), health cluster (Arahealth), energy cluster (CLENAR), swine industry cluster (I+Porc), and the College of Economists.

Improving business competitiveness: a common mission
Entities that have joined the already asociated organizations CEOE CEPYME Huesca, CEOE Teruel, CEOE Zaragoza, Aragon Food Industries Association (AIAA), Aragon Young Entrepreneurs Association (AJE Aragón), Aragon Construction Companies Confederation (CEAC), Aragon Retailers Confederation (CEMCA), Aragon Hospitality and Tourism Employers Confederation (CEHTA), Aragon Executives Association, Aragon Transport Companies Federation (FET Aragón), Aragon Chemical and Plastic Companies Federation (FEQPA), and the Aragon Disability Employers' Association (PADIS).
CIRCE - Centro Tecnológico
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